{{indexmenu_n>1}} ===== Self-Registered Devices System ===== \\ ==== Introduction ==== \\ **Can we make an application where it is not necessary to register previously the device in the server with theXOneManager?**\\ YES, a replica server with self-registration can be made. \\ This Self-registration could be managerial, in such way that the device when downloading the XOneLive specific for self-registration, it would check if it already has an associated license, in case not having it, the user is redirected to a web in order to be authenticated with a user-passwords table, LDAP, Web Service... \\ This page will register the license automatically for this device, and will start the application components download. \\ \\ ==== Configuration ==== \\ \\ ===MOBILE DEVICE CONFIGURATION === \\ \\ ^ A XOneLive will be generated where it will be configured:\\ - The address of the self-registration page.\\ - The license number to a database level. ^ ^If you do not have these data, a XOneLive by default will not call to a self-registration page, and the device must be registered in the XOneManager in order to download all the necessary. ^ \\ \\ ===SERVER CONFIGURATION=== \\ \\ \\ ^In the database XOneManager in the adm_databases table the following changes will be made:^\\  To create the **AUTOREGISTER** field in case it doesnt exist, of numeric type, and will have the following values:\\ \\ * **VALUE 0**: licencse of database that there is no Self-registering. \\ * **VALUE 1**: license of database with Self-registering.\\ \\  In case the field is already created, it will be put with **value 1** to enable this functionality.\\ \\ |The Self-registering web page will be published in the IIS and the following data will be configured in the web.config file. | ^**Data**^^ |RplNumeroLic: license number to database level where we want to make self-registering.| |RplServerlic: license number of the server. | |RplServerAddr: address where the replica server is installed in.| |RplServerPort: replica port.| |The following connection to the database will be configured:\\ - Connection to the XOneManager database.\\ - Connection to the Application database. | \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ ===SELF-REGISTERING PROCESS=== \\ \\ ^Once the server and the XOneLive have been configured, we are going to explain the self-registering process: ^\\ * The installation of the updates system, the XOneLive or the Framework is made, according to the platform that is being installed. \\ * Once installed the XOneLive, the Framework downloading will be made, and the other modules configured in it, although it will depend on the Platform used or the configuration of it. \\ * Once the above is installed, when executing for the first time the XOneLive, it will detect that it is an XOneLive that has active the Self-registration module. \\ * Therefore, when executing, it will request the system if it already has a license, and as it is the first time, it will detect that it is not like that, so it will call to the Self-registration page it has configured.\\ * When the call is being made, it sends it some necessary data, such as the Self-registration database, the device identifier, the platform or the model.\\ * The Self-registration page by default is configured to communicate with the gen_users table of the application specially, in such way that it is authenticated in the system over the user and password this table has. \\ \\ ^As indicated, this is by default, but the Web page can be programmed to make the authentication over other systemsm, such as:^\\ * Authentication integrated over a WebService.\\ * Authentication integrated over a LDAP.\\ * Authentication integrated over another database or different schema to that one set by default. \\ \\ We have to keep in mind that the licenses are related directly through an user-license relationship, and from this relationship the selectivity is made. For this, if we modify the Self-registration page, it would be necessary to make this relationship in the page. \\ \\ ^Once the authentication process is made in the system by the user with whatever device, the Self-registration page will make the following actions. ^\\ * To insert log in the **adm_devices** table with the data of the device. \\ * To generate the device license, by creating a new log in the **master_replica_slave** table.\\ * To insert log in the **adm_devices_application** table, by relating the **adm_device** table, with that one of the **master_replica_slave** and this one itself.\\ * To insert user-license relation in the **Adm_dinamyc_selected** table.\\ * To generate the selectivity for the registered license. \\ \\ \\