VIDEO-Type Property. VIDEO

    <prop name="VIDEO" visible="1" group="1" type="VD" labelwidth="5" size="150" fieldsize="12" onchange="Refresh255" width="70%" height="40%"/>

Upload Files Limits

Certain attributes have been incorporated to “limit” the upload of files in the type “AT” (Attach file), “IMG” (Signature), “VD” (Video) and “PH” (Photo).


Attribute Description
file-maxsize=“XXX” Size in bytes, maximum size of the file to upload.
file-msgfail=“Mensaje Error” We customize the error if we tray to upload a very big file.
file-maxwidth=“800” Maximum width of the photo taken.
file-maxheight=“600” Maximum height of the photo taken.

file-maxwidth and file-maxheight must be implemented for the photo and signature type fields in order the different devices replicate the photos and signatures always with the same resolution. This will make that the size of the photos be more predictable and of small size, and it will avoid memory problems in low-end devices.