{{indexmenu_n>1}} ====== MAPVIEW===== \\ ===Methods of the prop Z, viewmode="mapview"=== \\ \\ Attributes to put in the props of the content collection:\\ \\ ^ATTRIBUTES^ |mapview-address="true"| POI Address| |mapview-latitude="true"| POI Latitude| |mapview-longitude="true"| POI Longitude| |mapview-marker-icon="true"| POI icon| \\ ^ATTRIBUTES^ |**zoom-to-my-location**: with a true value it makes zoom to the current position, with a false value it doesn´t make zoom to the current position and it tries all the POIs are seen. | |**Show-pois**: with a false value it doesn´t show the POIs drawer. | |**mapview-embedded**: with a "true" value, this attribute embed the map in the collection where it has been defined. Value by default, false. | |**on-map-clicked**: attribute to define the node when we make click on the map to be able to execute an action. | \\ \\ **Example:**\\ \\ Definimos en el prop type="Z" el siguiente atributo: on-map-clicked="onMapClicked" Nodo que ejecutar este atributo: \\ \\ **METHODS**: \\ ====isUserLocationEnabled==== \\ Method that returns if the user has the geolocation enabled. \\ **Example**: \\ \\ var ventana = ui.getView(self); if (ventana != null) { ui.showToast("Enabled: " + ventana.MAP_MAPA.isUserLocationEnabled()); } \\ ====enableUserLocation==== \\ Method that enables the device geolocation. \\ \\ **Example**:\\ \\ var ventana = ui.getView(self); if (ventana != null) { ventana.MAP_MAPA.enableUserLocation(); } \\ ====disableUserLocation==== \\ Method that disables the device geolocation.\\ **Example**:\\ \\ var ventana = ui.getView(self); if (ventana != null) { ventana.MAP_MAPA.disableUserLocation(); } ====drawLine==== \\ Method that draws a line by connecting the point passed as parameter.\\ \\ ^PARAMETERS ^ Definition^ |**PARAMETER 1**|Identifying name of the line. | |**PARAMETER 2**|Color of the line to be drawn.| |**PARAMETER 3**|Type of line to be drawn. | |**PARAMETER 4**|From the fourth parameter onwards, it defines the points by which the line is going to be guided in this format (Latitude,Longitude).| \\ **Example**: \\ var ventana = ui.getView(self); ventana.MAP_MAPA.drawLine("ruta 1", "#FF00FF", "dashed", 40.4167747, -3.70379019, 41.3850632, 2.1734035); ventana.MAP_MAPA.drawLine("ruta 1", "#FF0000", "normal", 40.4167747, -3.70379019, 43.3850632, 3.1734035); ventana.MAP_MAPA.drawLine("ruta 2", "#FFFF00", "normal", 39.4167747, -2.70379019, 42.3850632, 2.0004035); \\ ====drawRoute==== \\ Method that draws a route that connects two points .\\ \\ ^PARAMETERS^ Definition^ |**PARAMETER 1**|Identifying name of the route. | |**PARAMETER 2**|Latitude of the destination point. | |**PARAMETER 3**|Longitude of the destination point. | |**PARAMETER 4**|Latitude of the destination point. | |**PARAMETER 5**|Longitude of the destination point. | |**PARAMETER 6**|Type of line to be drawn.| |**PARAMETER 7**|Color of the line to be drawn. | \\ \\ **Example**: \\ var ventana = ui.getView(self); ventana.MAP_MAPA.drawRoute("ruta 1", 40.4167747, -3.70379019, 41.3850632, 2.1734035, "walking", "#FFFF00"); ventana.MAP_MAPA.drawRoute("ruta 2", 40.4167747, -3.70379019, 39.3850632, -2.1734035, "walking", "#FFFF00"); \\ ====clearLine==== \\ Method that clears the line to be drawn with drawLine.\\ \\ |**PARAMETER**|Identifying name of the line. | \\ **Example**:\\ var ventana = ui.getView(self); ventana.MAP_MAPA.clearLine("ruta 1"); \\ ====clearAllLines==== \\ Method that clears all the lines drawn with drawLine.\\ \\ **Example**: \\ var ventana = ui.getView(self); ventana.MAP_MAPA.clearAllLines(); \\ ====clearRoute==== \\ Method that clears the route drawn with drawRoute.\\ \\ |**PARAMETER** | Identifying name of the route. | \\ \\ **Example**:\\ \\ var ventana = ui.getView(self); ventana.MAP_MAPA.clearRoute("ruta 1"); \\ ====clearAllRoutes==== \\ Method that clears all the lines drawn with drawRoute.\\ \\ **Example**:\\ \\ var ventana = ui.getView(self); ventana.MAP_MAPA.clearAllRoutes(); \\ ====addMarker==== \\ It adds a mark in the coordinates passed as parameter. \\ \\ ^PARAMETERS^ Definition^ | **PARAMETER 1**| It defines the latitude. | | **PARAMETER 2** | It defines the longitude. | \\ **Example**: \\ var ventana = ui.getView(self); ventana.MAP_MAPA.addMarker(40.4167747, -3.70379019); \\ ====setOnMapClickedListener==== \\ It defines the function when we make click on the map. \\ \\ **Example:** \\ var ventana = ui.getView(self); ventana.MAP_MAPA.setOnMapClickedListener(function(nLatitude, nLongitude) { ui.showToast("onMapClicked(), nLatitude: " + nLatitude + " nLongitude: " + nLongitude); ventana.MAP_MAPA.addMarker(nLatitude, nLongitude); });