Tabla de Contenidos


The prop node is the basic unit inside of every collection, defines the characteristics of an object both at the screen display level and its storage in BD.

A very simplified defintion of a prop could be: “a form field in its equivalent to HTML”, while in XOne, aprop can be much more complex, being able to define fields to capture the signature, taking pictures using the device´s camera, a slide of images, a calendar, a bars code, HTML code, adding attachments, bars-pies- lines graphycs, a tree of categories…etc

The prop node mandatory attributes are the following ones:

For the label of the field it is searched by priority order:

  1. Attributetitle.
  2. If the previous one wasn´t defined, the string there is between <prop …>tittle we want</prop> will be searched.
  3. Finally, if none of the previous ones were defined, the name of the field content in the name attribute will be used.

The XML attributes have to be written in lower case and the object names (attribute name) will be written in CAPITAL LETTERS. (that last is a Los atributos del XML se tienen que escribir en minúsculas y los nombres de objeto (atributo name) se escriben en MAYÚSCULAS. (this last one is a convention of the XOne programmers, it does not have to be this way necessarily.)


<!-- Propiedad de tipo ETIQUETA (LABEL) -->
<prop name="MAP_ETQ1" visible="1" group="1" type="TL" labelwidth="20" bgcolor="#008030" forecolor="#FFFFFF">Recursos Propios</prop>
<!-- Propiedad de tipo TEXTO -->
<prop name="NOMBRE" visible="1" group="1" type="T" size="30" fieldsize="15" fixed-text="true"/>
<!-- Propiedad de tipo TEXTO OCULTO (PASSWORD) -->
<prop name="PWD" visible="1" group="1" type="X" size="10" fieldsize="15"/>
<!-- Propiedad de tipo TEXTAREA (MULTILINEA) -->
<prop name="OBSERVACIONES" visible="1" group="1" type="T" lines="5" fixed-lines="true" fieldsize="50" size="255" />
<!-- Propiedad de tipo NUMERICO -->
<prop name="NUMERO" visible="1" group="1" type="N" fieldsize="4"/>
<!-- Propiedad de tipo NUMERICO CON DECIMALES -->
<prop name="IMPORTE" visible="1" group="1" type="N2" fieldsize="10" />
<!-- Propiedad de tipo FECHA -->
<prop name="FECHA" visible="1" group="1" type="D" labelwidth="6" fieldsize="7" title="FECHA" onchange="Refresh255" />
<!-- Propiedad de tipo HORA (TEXTO) -->
<prop name="HORAINI" visible="1" group="1" type="TT" mask="Hh#:#Mm" labelwidth="9" fieldsize="6" size="5" title="HORA INICIO" onchange="refresh255" />
<!-- Propiedad de tipo CHECKBOX (CASILLA DE VERIFICACION VALOR=0/1) -->
<prop name="BAJA" visible="1" group="1" type="NC" labelwidth="8" fieldsize="6" />
<!-- Propiedad de tipo BOTON -->
<button name="BOTON" visible="1" group="1" labelwidth="15" method="ExecuteNode (click)" title="GENERAR" onchange="refresh255" forecolor="#B22C1B" />
<!-- Propiedad de tipo BOTON (IMAGEN) -->
<prop name="BTNOK" visible="1" group="1" type="B" labelwidth="1" title="Entrar" img="./icons/Run.png" imgsel="./icons/refresh.png" onchange="Refresh255" method="ExecuteNode (click)" width="50" height="30" />
<!-- Propiedad de tipo IMAGEN -->
<prop name="MAP_IMG" visible="1" group="1" type="IMG" width="100%" height="50%" labelwidth="0" path="##APP##\icons\imagen.png" locked="true"/>
<!-- Propiedad de tipo FIRMA -->
<prop name="FIRMA" visible="1" group="1" type="IMG" labelwidth="0" readonly="false" fieldsize="100" lines="5" width="90%" height="50%" onchange="Refresh255"/>
<!-- Propiedad de tipo FOTO -->
<prop name="FOTO" group="1" type="PH" labelwidth="0" fieldsize="100" onchange="Refresh255" width="100%" height="50%"/>
<!-- Propiedad de tipo ATTACH (Adjunto) -->
<prop name="MAP_TEXTAT" visible="1" type="AT" width="96%" title="Adjunto" />
<!-- Propiedad de tipo WEB -->
<prop name="MAP_WEB" visible="1" group="1" type="WEB" locked="true" width="100%" height="100%" labelwidth="0" fieldsize="1"  size="100" />
<!-- Propiedad de tipo VIDEO -->
<prop name="VIDEO" visible="1" group="1" type="VD" labelwidth="5" size="150" fieldsize="12" onchange="Refresh255" width="70%" height="40%"/>
<!-- Propiedad de tipo IDENLACE con otra colección -->
<prop name="IDSOCIO" visible="0" group="1" type="N" mapcol="Socios" mapfld="ID"/>
<!-- Propiedad de tipo MAPEADA -->
<prop name="MAP_SOCIO" visible="1" group="1" type="T" title="SOCIO" linkedto="IDSOCIO" linkedfield="NOMBRE"/>
<!-- Propiedad de tipo CONTENTS -->
<prop name="CONTENTSCOPIASENPELICULAS" visible="1" group="1" type="Z" contents="Stockp" onchange="Refresh255" lines="6" mask="2"/>
<contents name="Stockp" src="Stockp" filter="IDPELICULA=##ID## AND t1.BAJA=0"/>
<!-- Propiedad de tipo ARRAY de valores predefinidos, emulando a los ID de enlace se compone de 2 prop.
     Los valores que se muestran y se graban en BD están en mapcol-values y linkedfield siempre vale "DATA"
<prop name="MAP_GARANTIA" group="1" type="N" visible="0" title="" mapcol-values="Si,No" />
<prop name="GARANTIA" group="1" type="T" visible="1" linkedto="MAP_GARANTIA" linkedfield="DATA" showinline="true" labelwidth="10" fieldsize="8" size="6" />
<!-- Propiedad de tipo Texto que filtra el contents que hay debajo.
     Los atributos son: 
	tooltip 					Para poner un texto predeterminado.
	contextual-search="true"			Especifica que conforme se va escribiendo se va filtrando el contents
	contextual-target="MAP_HOTELESCNT"		Name del Prop del contents que vamos a refrescar.
	contextual-filter="t.NOMBRE LIKE '%##VAL##%'"	Filtro que vamos a aplicar en el contents con el texto introducido.
<prop name="MAP_BHOTELNOMBRE" tooltip=" Escriba aquí para buscar" contextual-search="true" contextual-target="MAP_HOTELESCNT" contextual-filter="t.NOMBRE LIKE '%##VAL##%'" lmargin="2" title="" type="T" text-border-bottom="true" align="left|center" width="80%" visible="1" height="120px" labelwidth="0" fontsize="12" bgcolor="#00000000" forecolor="#ffffff" />
<prop name="MAP_BTHOTELBUSCAR" newline="false" lmargin="1" title="" type="B" visible="1" width="120px" height="120px" Xlabelwidth="1" bgcolor="#00000000" forecolor="#002D47" fontsize="10" fontbold="true" postonchange="Refresh(MAP_HOTELESCNT)" img="search.png" />
<prop locked="true" name="MAP_HOTELESCNT" height="100%" type="Z" visible="1" contents="HotelesBusquedaCnt" text-border="false" border="false" bgcolor="#D8D8D8" mask="2" img="tr.png" imgsel="tr.png" />
<contents name="HotelesBusquedaCnt" src="HotelesBusquedaCnt" />



This attribute contains the object name in CAPITAL LETTERS, this one must be unique inside the collection. If there were two object names repeated, the first one it was defined would be taken.

group="Num. Tab"

This attribute contains a number indicating to which tab this field belongs to, in a way that the fields that make up the enter data form are grouped, and at the same time, it is optimized its visualization on devices with a reduced screen as the case of the mobile devices.

Tab viewing in POCKET PC Tab viewing in Blackberry Tab viewing in IPhone
pda1.jpg bb_pestanas.jpg iphone.jpg


This attribute indicates where we are going to be able to see that field in the different nodes in which we can see a collection.

This field can be displayed as an integer with 4 bits, each one of them we can added in binary and it will give us the value we need.

Position BIT in binary Visibility
0 ( 0 0 0 0 ) Visible in Edition mode
1 ( 0 0 0 0 ) Visible in Grid mode
2 ( 0 0 0 0 ) Visible in Content mode (Grid associated to another main collection)
3 ( 0 0 0 0 ) Visible in Combo mode to filter


Value Equivalent Binary Visibility
Visible=“7” 0111 Visible in Edition mode, listing and content
Visible=“3” 0011 Visible in Edition mode and listing
Visible=“1” 0001 Visible only in Edition mode
Visible=“0” 0000 Not Visible in any mode


This attribute is used to indicate the visible size of the field on screen.


This attribute is used to indicate the real size in the Database.


This attibute is used to indicate the type of visual control we will use to give value to that object.

The types outlines in the DB column are the RECOMMENDED values that work 100% in all the DBMS, do not forget that XOne Technology may work in many different devices.

The use of any other type of data other than the displayed ones in the bottom table (char, nvarchar, tinyint, etc) they can make your application doesn´t work in any specific device (PDA, BLACKBERRY…) or making the app doesn´t work with any DBMS (ORACLE, MSSQL, MYSQL…), for the simple fact that this type does not exist in that DBMS or even, even if it is supported, bad experiences with some of these types in different devices makes us discourage their use.

Visual Control Type Mappings DB
  Text Type=“T” Varchar
  Numeric Type=“N” Int
  Real Type=“N2” (*) Double
  Date Type=“D” Datetime
  Bit Type=“NC” Int
  Label Type=“TL”
  Password Type=“X” Varchar
Image Type=“IMG”(*2) Varchar(100)
Attach Type=“AT” Varchar(100)
Pict Type=“PH” Varchar(100)

(*) On the Real type of data, in the mappings it is necessary to put type=”N2, N3, N4…”, by specifying after the N the decimal numbers we want for that field.
(*2) In android, if barcode=“tipo” is defined, a bar code will be generated that encodes the data saved in this purpose. Supported types: codabar, code11, code128, code25, code39, code93, datamatrix, ean128, ean13, ean8, isbn, issn, itf14, identcode, interleaved2of5, leitcode, msi, onecode, pdf417, planet, postnet, rm4scc, upca, upce.

Attached (type="AT")

Attribute Description
showgallery=“true” By clicking on the attachment button, firstly it will show the photo gallery of the device.
path=“/rutaabsoluta/“ By clicking on the Attachment button, firstly it will show the specified path.

New Attribute of the "AT" types

A new attribute for the props type=”AT”, allowed-extensions=“pdf;txt” was implemented, which it indicates separately by “;” the allowed extensions when the file selection window is taken out to.


Slider and Rounded-slider

From the viewmode attribute, in the props Type N, these controls are defined:

The max attribute defines the maximum value the control may have.


   <prop name="MAP_SLIDER" type="N" max="100" viewmode="slider" tmargin="10" width="50%" height="50%"/>
   <prop name="MAP_ROUNDED_SLIDER" type="N" max="100" viewmode="rounded-slider" tmargin="10" width="50%" height="10%" newline="false"/>

Changing images by default

Some attributes have been added to change the icons by default of the Android frame.

Icons in <prop>:

Attribute Description
img=“cadena” It enablesto define the image used in the main button of the control.
img-sel=“cadena” It defines the image when you click on the button defined by “img”.
All the attributes starting with “img”, allow to have a value for the “sel suffix.
Examples: “imgimg-sel” and “img-deleteimg-delete-sel
img-delete=“cadena” It defines the image of the delete or clear button for the edition controls.
img-search=“cadena” It defines the image of the linkeado “magnifying glass” button for the edition controls.
img-spinner=“cadena” It defines the image of the linkeado “combo” button with showinline=“true” for the edition controls.
img-phone=“cadena” It defines the image of the phone button in the nodes with “phone=true” attribute.
img-width=“Entero” It enables to define the main button width.
For any other button is by adding -width at the end of the image definition.
Examples: img-undo-width=“60” and img-delete-width=“60”.
img-height=“Entero” It enables to define the main button height.
For any other button is by adding -height at the end of the image definition.
Examples: img-undo-height=“60” and img-delete-height=“60”.
img-undo=“cadena” It defines the image of the undo button for the edition controls.
undo-button=“true|false” It indicates if the undo or clear buttons are shown in the edition controls.
img-date It enables to define the date.
img-time It enables to define the image in time-type controls.
img-att It indicates if a clip to attach files will be shown.
img-delete-width It enables to set the width of the delete or clear button for the edition controls.
img-delete-height It enables to set the height of the delete or clear button for the edition controls.
img-phone-width It enables to set the phone button width.
img-phone-height It enables to set the phone button height.
img-date-width It enables to set the date button width.
img-date-height It enables to set the date buton height.
img-time-width It enables to set the width of the button for time-type controls.
img-time-height It enables to set the height of the button for time-type controls.
img-att-width It enables to set the width of the button for attaching files.
img-att-height It enables to set the height of the button for attaching files.

Example of CSS:


Support for images with .GIF extension

The possibility to put in props type=”IMG” images with .GIF extension has been implemented.

Floating Attibute

The floating attribute has been implemented for any type of prop node, it works the same as the one defined for the frame nodes with Left and top.

Radio Button

The ratio button has been implemented from the props type NC, through the following attributes:


   <prop name="MAP_CHECK01" type="NC" labelwidth="20" width="100%" height="10%" lmargin="5" title="Check #1 (radio-group=&quot;1&quot;)" check-type="radio" radio-group="1" />
   <prop name="MAP_CHECK02" type="NC" labelwidth="20" width="100%" height="10%" lmargin="5" title="Check #2 (radio-group=&quot;1&quot;)" check-type="radio" radio-group="1" />
   <prop name="MAP_CHECK03" type="NC" labelwidth="20" width="100%" height="10%" lmargin="5" title="Check #3 (radio-group=&quot;1&quot;)" check-type="radio" radio-group="1" />

Upload of files Limits

Some attributes have been added for “limiting” the files upload in the type “AT” (Attaching file), “IMG” (Signature), “VD” (Video) and “PH” (Photo).


Attribute Description
file-maxsize=“XXX” Size in bytes, maxium size of the file to be uploaded.
file-msgfail=“Mensaje Error” We customize the error if we try to upload a very big file.
file-maxwidth=“800” Maximum width of the photo taken.
file-maxheight=“600” Maximum height of the photo taken.

File-maxwidth and file-maxheight must be implemented for the photo and signature fields in order the devices replicate all the photos and signatures with the same resolution. This will make the photos size more predictable and small in size, and it will avoid memory problems in low-end devices.

Types of Controls


The type=“X” is in appearance to the type=“T”, with the difference that the character entered into this field will be shown on screen with asterisks, since it is a password type field, by default with a BASE64 codification, although with the following attributes its behaviour may be modified.


Attribute Description
type=“X” This one has to be always, which is to indicate that is a key field.
hash-type=“MD5” This one is to indicate that is a key of MD5-type.
encode=“HEX” This one is to see how the key comes. The key has to come with the letters or all in uppercase or all in lowercase, they can not come with uppercase and lowercase letters at the same time. Then if in this property you put “HEX” in uppercase, it is because the letters are coming in uppercase in the key, and if you put “hex” in lowercase it is because they come in lowercase.


The type=“DR” (DRaw) is to be able to draw on screen with the finger, it is ideal for a SIGNATURE-type field. .


Attribute Description
stroke-color=”#333333” To indicate the color of the line we are going to draw.
stroke-width=“4” To indicate the size in points of the line that we are going to draw.
apply-format-to-file=“true” To indicate that the final image includes the format styles we have applied it. If this parameter is put to false, the final file will have no colors and the text will be applied in black-color and the background will be applied in white-color.
bgcolor=“#FFFFFF” Background color of the control.
img=“fondo.jpg” Image we want to put in the background.

Example of code:

<prop name="FIRMACLIENTE" type="DR" stroke-width="4" visible="1" stroke-color="#333333" XXXimg="FondoFirm.jpg" apply-format-to-file="true" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="95%" height="30%" forecolor="#339999" file-maxwidth="800" file-maxheight="600" newline="true" disablevisible="MAP_VISIBLEFIRMA&lt;&gt;'1'" />
<delfirma show-wait-dialog="false">
	<action name="runscript">
		<script language="VBScript">
			ui.clearDrawing "FIRMACLIENTE" 'Para limpiar el campo del dibujo de la firma en pantalla
			this("FIRMACLIENTE")="" 'Para vaciar el campo que contiene el fichero
ui.saveDrawing("FIRMACLIENTE") 'Con este método guardamos el fichero con la firma.

PHOTO field (type "T")

For a field of PHOTO type, we will combine the use of a type=“T” field which have the name of the file to transmit with a type=“IMG” file to have a preview of the file, for this, we make use of a button that calls the camera and put the results of the photo in the text and image fields.

Example of code:

<prop name="FOTO1" title="Foto 1" width="74%" labelwidth="6" disableedit="VALIDADO=1" text-border="true" class="texteditlocked" type="T" tmargin="20p" />
<prop type="B" name="MAP_BTNFOTO1" img="camera.png" width="64p" height="64p" disableedit="VALIDADO=1" method="ExecuteNode(camera('FOTO1'))" newline="false" tmargin="10p" title=" " />
<prop type="B" name="MAP_BTNDELFOTO1" img="deshacer.png" width="64p" height="64p" disableedit="VALIDADO=1" method="ExecuteNode(delcamera('FOTO1'))" newline="false" tmargin="10p" title=" " />
<prop name="MAP_FOTO1" type="IMG" lmargin="35%" tmargin="1%" readonly="true" locked="true" onchange="refresh" width="30%" height="20%" file-maxwidth="800" file-maxheight="600" />
    <camera show-wait-dialog="false">
        <action name="runscript">
        <param name="CAMPO" />
          <script language="VBScript">
	          	ui.startcamera CAMPO,"photo"
    <delcamera show-wait-dialog="false">
        <action name="runscript">
        <param name="CAMPO" />
          <script language="VBScript">

type=”T” with floating tooltip

They are Props with floating tooltip, when the user click on the tooltip field it floats over the text that the user types.



  <prop name="MAP_FLOAT_TOOLTIP" expanded-hint-color="#FF0000" type="T" tooltip="Usuario..." text-border-bottom="true" text-border-top="true" text-border-left="true" 
 text-border-right="true" floating-tooltip="true" />

WEB-type field

A type=“WEB” field is like an iframe of html. After specifying a width and a height, we give it value by specifying a web address or associating it HTML code directly.

<prop name="MAP_WEBVIEW" type="WEB" enable-back-key="false" width="100%" height="85%" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" labelbox="false" labelwidth="0" />
        <action name="runscript">
          <script language="VBScript">
        		this("MAP_WEBVIEW") = ""
        		'tambien se le puede poner html directo (devuelto desde una funcion para poder poner los tags html fuera del xml)

Other Attributes


To control the amount of characters entered is NOT greater than a specific limit, we can use together the fixed-text and size attributes .

Whenever these two attributes are used together, fixed-text=“true” (by default is false), the size attribute indicates the limit of characters can be entered into a field.

By default, the fields have a maximum limit of 50 characters and the multiline fields have 500 characters.


/* Example of entering only 120 characters into a field. */
<prop name="Nombre" fixed-text="true" size=”120”></ prop>


This attribute indicates which values of the same collection are we going to refresh when the current property changes value.
The number it appears followed of the onchange=“refresh#” attribute is the equivalent in decimal to a bits map that indicates which parts of the objects are necessary to refresh and which ones are not.

What is explained here, is only for PDA(POCKET PC), since painting the screen with a so limit in processor and memory device was something very expensive and slow, in the latest platforms (Android,Iphone,Windows Phone…) it is not necessary anymore, simply a onchange=“refresh” will refresh everything.

The first bit (bit=0) which it would be represented as onchange=“refresh1” or simply onchange=“refresh”, it would refresh all the properties of the uploaded object but it wouldn´t refresh the contents contained in the object.

The second bit (bit=1) it would indicate that contents are going to be refreshed by indicating in the consecutive bits to this one (2,3,4,5,6,7) which contents are going to be refreshed according the order of appearance in the collection.

It is necessary to combine the bit 1 with the following ones to indicate which contents we want to refresh:

BIT position in binary Visibility
0 ( 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ) We are going to refresh all the properties of the current tab.
1 ( 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ) We are going to refresh the contents.
If the previous bit is 1, we will define which contents are going to be refreshed.
2 ( 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ) 1 content by appearance order in the collection will be refreshed
3 ( 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ) 2 content by appearance order in the collection will be refreshed
4 ( 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ) 3 content by appearance order in the collection will be refreshed
5 ( 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ) 4 content by appearance order in the collection will be refreshed
6 ( 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ) 5 content by appearance order in the collection will be refreshed
7 ( 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ) 6 content by appearance order in the collection will be refreshed


Value Equivalent Binary Visibility
refresh1 00000001 All properties will be refreshed
refresh6 00000110 First content of the collection
refresh11 00000111 First content of the collection and all the properties
refresh255 11111111 ALL the content of the CURRENT TAB will be refreshed
refresh256 100000000 The disablevisible of the tab will be evaluated, but it WILL NOT refresh the content
refresh511 100000000 EVERYTHING will be refreshed

This modality of refreshment is designed to avoid hight data volume by refreshing a feild, for instance, in PC apps with object than have an amount of contents more than 5.

Usually, in the rest of pocketpc, blackberry devices, only the refresh1andrefresh255 will be used, since the contents load is done independently by tab by showing it to the user and it is not visibly feasible to position some contents in a tab.

On the WEB, there is no sense in content-independent refresh either, since the page must be reloaded each time the object is refreshed.

For pocketpc also is used the bit 8 of the onchange=“refresh256“mask, which is used to check the conditions of the disablevisible the different tabs of the object have.

If a tab is not visible because a certain condition of the disablevisible is not fulfilled and we want it is visible at the time in which this condition is modified, we would have to use this kind of refresh.

mapcol="collection" | mapfld="field" | default-mapcol="collection"

mapcol: It indicates that this property is linked with another collection, in other words, this is a key field in the relationship of many to one

Example of code:

  <group name="General" id="1"></group>
  <prop name="IDTIPO" group="1" visible="0" type="N" mapcol="TiposUsuario" mapfld="ID"></prop>

In this example is indicated that the property which name is IDTIPO is numeric and is linked to an collection named tiposusuario”.

The field used to link this property with the external collection is indicated by the 'mapfld' attribute.

This attribute value must be the name of a valid collection within the app. If the collection isn´t defined the user interface can cause an error when trying link this property with another one.

For this value, we can use the ##OWNERCOLL## macro indicating that you are referring to the collection in which the object that owns this object is defined.

If the property is declared in a collection of document details, the proprietary collection would be the collection of documents of which it is.

The data layer replaces the name of this macro when the value of this property is asked, so that, the collection has to be used as a contents.

In case the collection is get directly from the app and do not as a content collection, the result of this macro will be obtained from the default-mapcol attribute, in case this attribute is defined, on the contrary it will be an empty string.

default-mapcol: This attribute is used to complete the previous one when the collection that contains this property is used as a base collection and not as a content collection.

In this case the mapcol attribute will return the value that this attribute has.

In the following example this behaviour is shown:

  <coll name="Recibos" .... >
  <prop name="IDDOCUMENTO" mapcol="##OWNERCOLL##" default-mapcol="Facturas" mapfld="ID"></prop>
  <coll name="Documentos" .... >
  <contents name="Recibos" src="Recibos" filter="IDDOCUMENTO=##ID##"></contents>

In this example, the “Recibos” collection has been declared to be used as content collection in the “Documentos” collection. When this is done like this, the mapcol attribute returns the “Documentos” name because this is its propietary collection.
In case the “Recibos” collection is get directly from the app and do not as “Documentos” content, the mapcol attribute will return the “Facturas” value that is the value by default.

mapfld: It indicates which field of the external collection is the one used to link it with this property.
In the previous example, the IDTIPO property is linked to the “TiposUsuario” collection through the ID field.

The properties containing this pair are usually link properties only, so they usually invisible in the edition (visible=”0”).

See more in: 2.-lupa-combo

linkedto="field" | linkedfield="field"

These attributes indicate the property has been get through a link with an external collection. It is defined for those properties starting with the MAP_ prefix to indicate that they come from a link among tables.

The linkedto value must be the field used to link it with the external collection, as indicated in the following example:

<coll name='Usuarios' title='el usuario' sql='SELECT u.*,t.ETIQUETA AS MAP_TIPOUSER,t.DERECHOS AS MAP_DERECHOS FROM ##PREF##Usuarios u LEFT JOIN ##PREF##TipoUsuario t ON u.IDTIPO=t.ID' objname='Usuarios' updateobj='Usuarios' progid='ASGestion.CASUser' dropdown='true' filter='IDEMPRESA=##ENTID##'>
   <prop name='IDTIPO' group='1' visible='0' type='N' mapcol='TiposUsuario' mapfld=’ID’></prop>
   <prop name='MAP_TIPOUSER' group='1' type='T' fieldsize='15' size='15' showmap='2' linkedto='IDTIPO' linkedfield='ETIQUETA'> </prop> 

This attribute is used in combination with the linkedfield attribute to indicate the link with another collection. In this case it is indicated that the MAP_TIPOUSER field is linked through the IDTIPO field with the “TiposUsuario” collection. The field which correspond to the MAP_TIPOUSER property is the one of the ETIQUETA property of the destination collection. The program doesn´t use this relation to read the data, since this is done by the SQL sentence, but to make cascade update, as described further on.

Another use of the linkedto attribute is to define the property name to which a property of type “bitmapped” is linked, as described below.

TheRelaciones entre Colecciones sections have a detailed explanation about how to build links using the attributes explained above.

newline="true/false" | lmargin="true/false"

With the newline attribute we indicate if we want one field (property) to be next to another one, for that, this attribute must have a value of false, this attribute must always be assigned to the field that we want to be shown next to the other one. With lmargin we will indicate the space between the two fields.

Example: We will see how the 2nd Surname field is after the 1st surname.

<prop name="APELLIDO1" labelwidth="12" visible="3" group="1" type="T" fieldsize="15" size="15" >1er APELLIDO</prop>
<prop name="APELLIDO2" labelwidth="12" visible="3" group="1" type="T" newline="false" lmargin="1" fieldsize="15" size="15" >2do APELLIDO</prop>

If we remove these attributes, the second surname field will be shown below and not next.


This attribute is optional and indicates the app that any change occurred in this property will cause a similar change in the property which name is indicated. This is used to make cascade changes, as for instance, updating the value of a field named DESCRIPCION in a document detail by getting it from the DESCRIPCION field of the linked product collection.
Following we show this case in particular:


<prop name='MAP_ARTICULO' visible='7' group='1' type='T' fieldsize='30' size='30' linkedto='IDARTICULO' linkedfield='ETIQUETA' updates='DESCRIPCION'></prop>

tooltip="Field description"

This attribute has a text to be assigned to the control tooltip shown on screen when this field is being edited.
The tooltips can be very usefuls to explain briefly the goal of this fiels or its function.
The displaying mechanism of tooltips used is Windows itself.
The following example shows a tooltip use case:

<coll .....>
  <prop name="NUMERO" .... tooltip="Numero consecutivo de este documento"></prop>


It shows the collection linked by the mapcol attribute as a drop-down menu.


It indicates the number of lines the prop will take.


Value of the background color in RGB format. Can be expressed in decimal, hexadecimal (#), or binary (B).


Value of the text color in RGB format. It can be expressed in decimal, hexadecimal (#), or binary (B).

xlat="coleccion" | targetfield="campo" | create="true\false" | cmpfield="campo" | cmpvalue="valor"


It indicates that this property is translated from an object coming from one of the collections contained into the object.
For instance, you can have a document heading containing several details and the amount of units of the first detail can be shown as a property of the document itself.
The data layer will be in charge to look for this value in the corresponding detail when this property is read, and, in case it changes value, it will be in charge to take it to its corresponding property in the object contained.
The effect that the use of xlat has and its associated attributes is the one to carry out a field that is vertical (or in a row) to an horizontal position in the form of a column.
For this reason, we call this mechanism “horizontalization” of fields.


Used with xlat. It defines the contained object field which was “translated” inside of this field.


Usec with xlat.

When this attribute value is true it is being indicated to the data layer that in case of assigning value to the translated property, if the corresponding object in the contained collection does not exist, it must be created.

Thus, in the example we put above, if the amount “horizontalized” was assigned value and the detail did not exist, the data layer will create it and give it the corresponding value with no need to program anything.


Used with xlat. This field is which the data layer will use to look for the object from which it will read and towards which you will write the value of this property when necessary. The mechanism consists in searching in the collection indicated by the xlat attribute that object whose field of name cmpfield has the value specified by the cmpvalue attribute . In case you want to use the first available object in the contained collection, both this attribute and the following must be self .


Used with xlat. It has the value which will be searched inside the contents collection indicated by xlat.
In case you want to use the first object available, this attribute and the previous one must be self.


<prop name="MAP_EFECTIVO" group="1" type="NM" idmoneda="IDMONEDA" fieldsize="10" size="10" 
xlat="CajaFisica" targetfield="EFECTIVO" create="true" cmpfield="TIPO" cmpvalue="0">EFECTIVO</prop>

In this example a property named MAP_EFECTIVO has been defined. The object has a content collection named “CajaFisica” which will have several objects, one for each type of payment method used.

If the application requests the value of this field, the data layer will search in that collection for an object whose type is 0 and the value will return its EFECTIVO field.

Likewise, if the property MAP_EFECTIVO is assigned value, the data layer will search for the object whose TIPO field is 0 , if it does not find it, it will create it, and will assign it the value it has just receive the property to the EFECTIVO field .

This avoids the need to go through the collection of payment methods by program, at the same time allowing to show each of the amounts as a column (for instance, for a list) without having to denormalize the table.


A condition is placed. If this condition is met, it does not allow editing, if on the contrary, it is false, it is possible to edit.


If the condition is met, all the prop belonging to that group will be disabled.


With this attribute we specify the name of the formule we want to execute to find any valy by executing a sql.

<!-- Propiedad donde se llama a las formulas -->
<prop name="MAP_NUMCOPIAS" group="1" type="N" formula="ext.[NUMCOPIAS]" onchange="refresh" visible="3" labelwidth="6" fieldsize="4" />
<prop name="MAP_DISPONIBLES" group="1" type="N" formula="ext.[NUMDISPONIBLES]" onchange="refresh" visible="3" labelwidth="6" fieldsize="4" />
<!-- Nodo donde se definen las fórmulas -->
	<param name="NUMCOPIAS" sql="SELECT COUNT(*) AS N FROM GEN_COPIAS WHERE IDPELICULA=##ID##" field="N" type="N" cache="true" />
	<param name="NUMDISPONIBLES" sql="SELECT COUNT(*) AS N FROM GEN_COPIAS WHERE IDPELICULA=##ID## AND ALQUILADA=0" field="N" type="N" cache="true" />