Tabla de Contenidos


  1. When used as attribute the name must be in lowercase and with no hyphen.
  2. When used in Script, in Binding function, lowerCamelCase.


Events are applied to the following “runtime” XOne object.


Via mapping.xml

<coll name=”MyColl” onbeforeedit=”onBeforeEdit”  ongroupselected=”onGroupSelected”  > 
<group id=”1” />
	<prop  name=”USERNAME” type=”T” />
	<prop  name=”BUTONOK” type=”B”  onclick=”onClickOk” />
function onBeforeEdit (e) {
function onClickOk (e)  {
function onGroupSelected (e) {

Also, a node from the mapping or collection can be executed.

<coll name=”MyColl” onbeforeedit=”executeNode(onBeforeEdit)ongroupselected=”executeNode(onGroupSelected)> 
<group id=”1” />
	<prop  name=”USERNAME” type=”T” />
	<prop  name=”BUTONOK” type=”B”  onclick=”onClickOk” />

Via Script

By using the bind function (arg1, arg2, arg3)

Data Events

appData.bind( eventName, eventHandler );
coll.bind( eventName, eventHandler );
obj.bind( propName, eventName, eventHandler );

UI Events

ui.getView(obj).bind (controlName, eventName,eventHandler)
function onClickOk (e) {
	// some stuff
function onBeforeEdit (e) {
	// some stuff
function prepareBinding () {
	var myColl = appData.getCollection(“MyColl”);	
	var myObject = myColl.createObject();
	/* ********************************** */
	//  Asociar eventos a nivel de COLL
	/* ********************************** */
	myColl.bind ( “onbeforeedit”,  onBeforeEdit);
	myColl.bind ( “ongroupselected”,  onGroupSelected);
	/* ********************************** */
	//  Asociar eventos a Propiedades
	/* ********************************** */
	var uiView = ui.getView(myObject);   // uiview sería NULL si el objeto no se está mostrando
	uiView.bind (“BUTONOK”, “onclick”,  onClickOk);
	uiView.bind (“BUTONOK”, “onclick”,  function (e) {
	// some stuff
	// Si las propiedades a las que queremos referenciar no están en una ventana visible, tendríamos que utilizar:
	myColl.bind ( “onbeforeedit”,  function (e) {
		currentView.bind (“BUTONOK”, “onclick”,  onClickOk);
		currentView.bind (“BUTONOK”, “onclick”,  function (e) {
		// some stuff

List of Available Events

Application (appData) System events

Event XML Code Description


Event XML Code Descripction

DataCollection, DataObject, UI Events

Event Description

DataObject (props) UI Events

Event Property Description
onclick type=“B” Invoking when pressing a button.
onTextChanged type=“T” Invoking while you are pressing characters on the keyboard.
Parameters: target, objItem, newText, oldText, keyPressed
onFocusChanged type=“T” Invoking when the field loses or gains focus, at the isFocused parameter. Parameters: target, objItem, isFocused

Onclick Code Example

At the time to define an event, we will do it as attribute in the XML of the prop or with the bind method, we DO NOT use both at the same time. l

  • If the event is declared as attribute in the XML it will be written in lowercase (onclick)
  • If the event is declared with the bind method, it will be written in lowerCamelCase (onClick)

As attribute in the XML:

<prop name="MAP_BTN1" type="B" title="Abrir coll" onclick="javascript:jstestClick(e,'collTest1');" width="300p" height="150p" />

In the bind method:

var v=ui.getView(self);  //Así obtenemos una referencia a la ventana actual de la aplicación
v.bind ("MAP_BTN1","onClick","collTest1",jstestClick);

In some external .js file, we will have the javascript function to which is called from the onclick attribute or from the bind method:

function jstestClick(e,data) {
	var c;
	ui.msgBox ("Abre el objeto "+data,"Titulo",0);
	var obj=c.createObject();

DataObject (props) Data Events

Event Property Description

DataObject (frame) UI Events

Event Node Event Parameters Description
onScrollframe target: Distance left to make horizontal scroll.
dx: Distance left to make horizontal scroll .
dy: Distance left to make vertical scroll.
width: width of the area that is scrolled.
height: height of the area that is scrolled.
scrollX: distance moved horizontally.
scrollY: distance moved vertically.
It allows you to control the vertical and horizontal movements in the frames that have Pscroll=”true”.

Example of code of the onScroll event in a frame:

<coll name="ScrollTester" title="ScrollTester"
sql="SELECT t1.ID  FROM ##PREF##ScrollTester t1" 
objname="ScrollTester" updateobj="ScrollTester" progid="ASData.CASBasicDataObj" filter="" notab="true">
  <group name="General" id="1">
    <prop name="ID" type="N" visible="0" />
    <prop name="MAP_SHOWOVERSCROLL" type="N" visible="0" />
    <frame name="froverscroll" floating="true" top="1680" left="960" disablevisible="MAP_SHOWOVERSCROLL=0">
        <prop name="IMGDOWN" title="" type="IMG" path="./icons/overscroll.png" visible="1" width="64px" labelwidth="0" />
    <frame name="top" align="top" height="100%" width="100%" scroll="true">
         <frame name="forscroll" align="center|top" height="200%" width="100%" bgcolor="#CCFFCC">
            <prop name="BTDEMO" title="Click VB" type="B" visible="1" width="480px" height="400px" labelwidth="8" />
        <action name="runscript">
          <script language="javascript">
              ui.getView(self).bind("top","onScroll", function (e) {
                  if (e.dy&lt;=10 &amp;&amp; self.MAP_SHOWOVERSCROLL==1) {
                  } else if (e.dy&gt;10 &amp;&amp; self.MAP_SHOWOVERSCROLL==0) {