This node serves to capture the replica event of any database table.

If we want to monitorize the replica operations of the gen_visitas table, we would have to use the replica-ok-gen_visitas node, and if we want to monitor the oprations of the gen_sms table we would have to use the replica-ok-gen_sms node.

This node has to be specified INSIDE the companies collection and must be written in lowercase.

Example of Code:

	<action name="runscript">
		<script language="javascript">
			// El primer parámetro es el ID de la notificación por si hay que modificarla luego
			ui.showNotification(1, “Título”, “Mensaje”);
	<action name="runscript">
		<script language="VBScript">
			'Aqui hacemos lo que corresponda cuando se reciban operaciones de réplica de la tabla gen_avisos