This translation is older than the original page and might be outdated. See what has changed.

In some cases, we may need to customize the usual login screen.

All we have to do is define a collection with the design we want for the login. To this collection we have to put an attribute login-coll = “true” which is the one that causes that collection to become “Login Screen”.

login.xml sample File

<!-- Note: Attribute login-coll="true" is the one who does the trick, making the collection to become the login one. -->
<coll name="LogonColl" title="Entrada" login-coll="true" fontsize="8" progid="ASData.CASBasicDataObj" sql="SELECT * FROM ##PREF##usuarios t1" objname="usuarios" updateobj="usuarios" autorefresh="true" notab="true" disabled-buttonok="true" nostopreplica="true" filter="" sort="">
	<group name="Login" id="1" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" scrollbar="false" />
		<prop name="MAP_IMG" group="1" type="IMG" labelwidth="0" path="##APP##\icons\logo.png" locked="true" visible="7" />
		<prop name="MAP_USUARIO" title="Usuario:" labelwidth="7" lmargin="1" type="T" size="150" onchange="Refresh" fieldsize="9" visible="7" group="1" labelshadow="false" forecolor="#CC3333" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" labelbox="false" labelfont-bold="true" text-border="true" fontsize="10" text-bgcolor-disabled="#FFFFFF" />
		<prop name="MAP_PWD" title="Contraseña:" type="X" labelwidth="7" lmargin="1" size="150" onchange="Refresh" fieldsize="9" visible="7" group="1" labelshadow="false" forecolor="#CC3333" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" labelbox="false" labelfont-bold="true" text-border="true" fontsize="10" text-bgcolor-disabled="#FFFFFF" />
		<button name="BOTONCANCELAR" group="1" caption="Cancelar" visible="true" labelwidth="8" lmargin="4" tmargin="2" method="ExecuteNode (click-cancelar)" labelfont-bold="true" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text-bgcolor-disabled="#FFFFFF" />
		<button name="BOTONOK" group="1" caption="Entrar" visible="true" labelwidth="8" newline="false" lmargin="4" tmargin="2" method="ExecuteNode (click-entrar)" labelfont-bold="true" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text-bgcolor-disabled="#FFFFFF" />
		<prop name="MAP_TEXTO1" title="Si olvidó su contraseña, póngase" labelwidth="22" lmargin="1" tmargin="2" type="TL" size="150" onchange="Refresh" fieldsize="8" visible="7" group="1" labelshadow="false" forecolor="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" labelfont-bold="true" text-border="true" labelbox="false" fontsize="10" text-bgcolor-disabled="#FFFFFF" />
		<prop name="MAP_TEXTO2" title="en contacto con el teléfono:" labelwidth="22" lmargin="1" type="TL" size="150" onchange="Refresh" fieldsize="8" visible="7" group="1" labelshadow="false" forecolor="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" labelfont-bold="true" text-border="true" labelbox="false" fontsize="10" text-bgcolor-disabled="#FFFFFF" />
		<prop name="MAP_TLFCONTACTO" labelwidth="0" lmargin="1.5" type="T" size="150" fieldsize="8" visible="7" phone="true" group="1" locked="true" labelshadow="false" forecolor="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" labelbox="false" labelfont-bold="true" textfont-bold="true" text-border="false" fontsize="10" text-bgcolor-disabled="#FFFFFF">000000</prop>
		<!-- Campos NO visibles, los rellenaremos nosotros de valor -->
		<prop name="MAP_FECHACAD" type="D" size="150" fieldsize="8" visible="0" group="1" />
		<prop name="MAP_IDUSUARIO" type="N" size="150" fieldsize="8" visible="0" group="1" />
		<action name="runscript">
			<script language="VBScript">
		<action name="runscript">
			<script language="VBScript">
				'Si se pulsa el boton Entrar, comprobamos nombre de usuario y password -->
				'La función login la definimos en el fichero codigo.vbs que hemos incluido en la coll Empresas
		<action name="runscript">
			<script language="VBScript">
				'Si se pulsa el botón Cancelar, salimos de la aplicación -->
				appdata.failwithmessage -11888,"##EXITAPP##"
		<action name="runscript">
			<script language="VBScript">
				'Aqui podemos setear una variable de entorno, por ejemplo, en principio no hay que hacer nada.
		<action name="runscript">
			<script language="VBScript">
				appdata.failwithmessage -8100, "Nombre de usuario o password incorrecto"

.vbs code file that is included in the Empresas collection.

function login()
	Dim st_msg,ObjB,st_erraut,CollB,CollC,ObjC
	'Forzar al usuario a introducir nombre de usuario y contraseña
	if This("MAP_USUARIO")="" or This("MAP_PWD")="" then
		st_msg="Introduzca nombre de usuario y clave"
	end if
	if st_msg <> "" then
		appdata.failwithmessage -8100,st_msg
		Set CollB=appdata.GetCollection("Usuarios")
		CollB.filter="LOGIN='"+Cstr(This("MAP_USUARIO")) +"'"
		Set ObjB=CollB.CurrentItem
		if ObjB is nothing then
			st_erraut="Nombre de usuario o password incorrecto"
		end if
		Set ObjB=nothing
		Set CollB=nothing
		'Si todo OK, intentamos el logueo
		if st_erraut="" then
			appdata.failwithmessage -11888,"##LOGIN_START##"
			appdata.failwithmessage -8100,st_erraut
		end if
	end if
end function

A new way to login has been defined in XOne applications.

Within the appData object , we find the following methods related to the login.

login(object) it is to make login in the application, it replaces the old appData.failWithMessage(-11888,##LOGIN_START##”)

The object passed has to be the following structure:

	userName: /*user*/,
	password: /*password*/,
	entryPoint: /*Collection entryPoint that will be opened when the login is successful.*/,
	onLoginSuccessful: function() {
		/*Do something when login is successful.*/
	onLoginFailed: function() {
		/*Do something when login is wrong.*/


function doLogin() {
    var params = {
        userName: self.MAP_USER,
        password: self.MAP_PASSWORD,
        entryPoint: "MenuEntrada2",
        /* Opcional */
        onLoginSuccessful: function() {
            ui.showToast("Login OK!");
        /* Opcional */
        onLoginFailed: function() {
            ui.showToast("Login failed!");
logout It closes session and back to the login screen.
exit It closes the application, it replaces the old appData.failWithMessage(-11888,## EXITAPP##”)