XOne Technology
XOne, is a proprietary technology based on the philosophy of an only programming for multiple databases and platforms.
The technology main features are the following ones:
- Programming/Total Configuration through XML files or native code.
- Interpreters (Frameworks) for different Operative Systems and devices (PC, Web, Pocket PC, blackberry, Iphone).
- Communications proprietary system enhanced for any connection TCP/IP (ADSL, WIFI, GPRS, 3G, etc).
- Data referential integrity among the different devices involved into the project.
- Replica of files.
- Selective Data Replica.
- Interaction with any relational Database (ORACLE, MSSQL SERVER, MYSQL, etc).
- Solutions in production under the most heterogeneous environments.
Public Administration, Insurance, XOne SMS Platform, Technology and Communications, Delivery and Collection, Renewable Energy, Distribution and Logistics, Pharmaceutical Laboratories, Leisure and Free Time, Building industry, Real Estate Promoters, Health, Services and Banking, Cloud Computing, Remote Alarms…
Technology Introduction
XOne Scheme
The developments made through the XOne Technology may be expanded thanks to the combination of additional modules that provide new advanced functionalities. Among the module availables, we can stand out the following ones:
- GPS.
- Notifications .
- Messaging.
- Online Collections
- Multilanguage.
- Wireless printing
- Images downloading from BD .
- Connecting ADB by WiFi or wire.
- PDFs generation.
- Bar, pies graphics… etc
- Voice over IP calls.
- XOne pluging creation.
- Twitter integration.
- Digital Signature.
- Bar codes generation plugins.
The Integration Bus allows giving mobility to any system, with scarce resources and for a same app. It is totally configurable through XML and allows modeling the transformations of the different entities between XOne and the IT solution available to the client .
This component runs as a Windows or Linux service, totally unassisted, monitoring the environments, according to the established periodicity.
One of the main features that enhance the value of this tool is the wide range of possibilities it offers when integrating different systems to manage data in a mobility application.
The data replica is one of the most attractive features of XOne technology, since it allows mobile applications to work independently of the existence of communication links between terminals and data centers (servers).
XOne data replication is a client / server system that allows data transmission, and if there is no coverage, applications can continue to work with local copies of data, so users can continue working even if there is no link of data.
Devices Manager
It allows the inventory of devices, including information of the terminal, software installed or the user of it.
Besides, it allows the management of the remote installation of apps, as well as its managements of versions, by viewing the status at all time through a simple web interface.
- installation of devices from scratch.
- updates of the app.
- updates of libraries.
- updates of the databases.
- individual updates.
- general updates.
- by groups or by platforms.
- display of screeens.
- displaying the device´s status and the terminal.
- adding new devices.
- backups.
- errors control.
- data reports.
- data duplicate.
- self-registration system…etc.
It is a web component in charge to receive the devices´s requirements, validate it in the application environment and manage the sending of updates from the server.
Everything is secured by the unique identifier that the device has, being this called in different ways according to the Platform, such as IMEI, PIN, UUID or SERIAL.
The mission of Provisioning is to monitor the devices managed by the XOnemanager tool, and that they are in a data provisioning status.xonemanager, y que se encuentren en estado de aprovisionamiento de datos.
With this, it is intended that when adding a new terminal, it is included as an update a set of data according to its selectivity criteria, so that the user does not have to replicate any data.
This system consistsof two independent services, it has the possibility of sending emails to the staff in charge of solving possible problems that may arise from the application.
It is made up of two different tools: xonemonitor and xonewatchdog.
This tool is composed of a Web App, it is totally configurable by the client, and it is used to make inquiries of data which are placed in the mobility server.
This app could be used by:
- the system´s administrators
- the client´s administrators
- the users who have mobile devices
In such wat that it could be possible to visualize the information sent from its devices, and besides, you will be able to see reports of it, having the option to print it if you wish.
The Platform has its own protocol for sending and receiving the information among the mobile devices and the servers.
The Platform counts on an IDE, XOnestudio, with which is possible to program, modify or distribute the apps developed in XOne environments, in a simple and quick way.
With this IDE, we will have the possibility to debug our apps, running even from the device itself.
The wide scalability of this solution, totally modulated, allows to develop pilot projects of low complexity, and transform them into very finished and versatile products.
In this way, it is possible to add as many new functionalities as you want, with no need to modify the other modules functioning.