Before publishing, we have to check that we have a DESPUBLISH (int) field in the ADM_DATABASES table of the XONEMANAGERdatabase.

We must restart the XOne Replicator Server and XOne Provisioning services whenever we publish or unpublish any project.

XOnePublish is a service that allows making publish of the Apps generated from the XOneStudio app in an XOne server. The system will generate the tables and necessary data, as well as the configuration of the different XOne components in the server.

The web address by default where the XOnePublish service is installed in, and it appears already completed, can be customized in the XoneStudio.exe.config file of the folder where the XOneStudio is installed in.

The connection strings to the database where we are going to create the new project are configurated in the DbConnConfig.xml file inside the XoneDBConnfolder of the link where the XOneStudiowill be placed in.
In the connection string you DO NOT have to put the name of the database to which we are going to connect with. For instance:

	<connection providerName="NombreConn" connectionstring="Server=ElQueSea;User Id=Usuario;Password=LaQueSea;"/>

If we have several different DBs, we must specify more “connection”nodes.

If your system isn´t ORACLE, you can go directly to the next point to publish an app.

In Oracle, the system cannot create automatically the schema fot this app, so, the schema where the XOnePublish will create the necessary tables for the database of the app, must be created manually

You need to use a different schema for every published app, and that schema does not contain other tables from outside the app. Having two published apps in a same shema is impossible, since the second app published will crush the tables of the first one (since both of them will have the same tables of the replica system and the 99% of the gen_ identical tables).

The recommendation that the scheme doesn´t content tables which are not from the app, it is not mandatory, it is recommended, since the system when publishing can not create the schema, when unpublishing it does not remove the tables either, so if an app is unpublished, the tables must be deleted by hand, which can be complex if the schema has other tables. Ideally, when you unpublish an app, the schema will be deleted or cleaned later (and for that you must only contain the tables of the published app.)

To publish an app, we open the XOneStudio and we download the app we want to publish.

1.- We have to specify the web address where the service XOnePublish is installed in.
If you only have one server to publish, to avoid writing it by hand, we can configure the address that appears by default in the “XoneStudio.exe.config file.

2.- User and password of the XOnePublish in order to publish. IT IS NOT the DB user.
3.- We click into the “VALIDATE” button.

1.- The values coming up from this combo are defined in the DbConnConfig.xml file, inside ot the XoneDBConn folder of the link where the XOneStudio is in, it is necessary to configure previously the values into that file so that the connection is made safely.

2.- Types of dbms which we are going to connect with, selecting the value that corresponds to our db, if we have a later version of BD than there are in the options, we will take the last one there is in our database.
In the DateMask parameter, we specify the date format which the database server handles.

3.- Name of the project we are going to publish, by default, it takes it from the app.ini file of the app we are trying to publish.
4.- We click into “PUBLISH”.

In this step what it does is to complete the database of the project, for what will leave a window with a process bar, once finalized we click into the “Execute” button and we will close the window. This step will complete the project management.db file.

Once the previous windows is closed, the XOnePublish will create a compressed file with the project WITHOUT the XOneStudio own folders (XONE-BACKUP, CollFiles, files.xone, etc…) in order to send the project to the server to the corresponding folder.

Once the project uploading is complete, it will create the tables and proceed with its configuration.

If there is no problem, it will show the following window:

Where it indicates that our app has been published with a license number we had available in the server.

This license number is the one used as identifier in case we want unpublish the app later.

Finally, it informs us of the number of available licenses of the total number of licenses availables of the server.

We must restart the XOne Replicator Server and XOne Provisioning services, so that these take into account the new project published.

It is understood by the term unpublish, the action of removing from the server an application previously published from the XOneStudio. No processes prior to unpublishing are required.

To unpublish, from the XOneStudio (there is no need to download the project) we wnter into the PUBLISHING→ Publishing project options, and complete the screens of the steps 2 and 3 exactly as in the publication process, having into account that the user and password “unpublish” are differents from those in the publication.

Once the data of these two first screens have been filled in, we click into “UNPUBLISH”.

1.- Number of the database license of the project we want to “unpublish”, they are 8 digits, for instance: 80000011.

When publishing the project, we were assigned this number, which we could consult in the ADM_DATABASES table of the XONEMANAGER database.

2.- We click into “Accept”.

1.- Number of the server license, they are 32 alphanumeric characters, for instance: 32ba1234567a1a0123d1234c12e813e1.

This number is the name of the .LIC file of the WINDOWS folder of the XOne server (Only the name of the file)
or we could consult it in the ADM_SERVERS table of the XONEMANAGERdatabase.

2.- We click into “Accept”.

If both data are valids and they correspond to the same name of the app which it was published with, that publishing will be deleted form the server and it will be shown the following screen:

The “unpublish” process will delete the tables of the app in every dbms, except for if the database system is Oracle.

In case our DB is Oracle and we have to delete by hand the tables:

If the Oracle scheme has the tables which are not from the app, the tables to be deleted (those ones from the app, they would be):

  • Tables that start with ADM_
  • Tables that start with GEN_
  • Tables that start with MASTER_REPLICA_
  • Table of relations called RL

When these tables are deleted, the indexes can be deleted in cascades, triggers… but it does not delete the Sequences of these tables, so we must also eliminate the sequences of the tables named.

We must restart the XOne Replicator Server and XOne Provisioning services, so that they stop taking into account the “unpublished” project.