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XML Structure

Functionalities Description
App Node App Node
Coll Node Coll Node
Group Node Group Node
Frame Node Frame Node
Prop Node Prop Node


The mappings.xml file is where we are going to define the bulk of our project with XOne Platform. In this file will be defined all the entities and business rules our app will need.

From this, a reference will be made to other external files, such as CSS and VBS.

There is a <app> node, and an single node <collprops> which in turn contains several <coll> nodes, which will be the ones that really define the business rules of our app.

Mappings.xml Structure

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<app prefix="Gen" version="" companycolor="#FF8000,#FF4000" forecolor="#FFFFFF" compatibility-mode="false" entry-point="MainEntry">
   <style url="default.css"/>
   <style url="phone_hor.css" conditions="phone:horizontal"/>
   <style url="tablet_ver.css" conditions="tablet:vertical"/>
   <style url="tablet_hor.css" conditions="tablet:horizontal"/>
<collprops type="general">
   <coll name=...>
   <coll name=...>
en/wiki/2.-desarrollo-app/2.3.-codigo/a.-estructura-xml/start.txt · Last modified: 2017/11/15 09:06 by patricia